bird watching

In the noisy life of the cities, when was the last time you woke to the chirping of birds? In your stay @ Aanandache Shet, you will not only wake up to the chirping but also listen to a variety of tweets and calls through the day. Isn’t that an amazing feeling?

The green bee eaters, Purple Sunbird, Robbins, Babblers, Red Wattled Lapwings, Harriers, Golden Orioles, Peacocks, Prinias, Bulbuls, Weavers, Crow Pheasants, kingfishers… are some of the regular visitors that have found the farm to be a happy place for them, too.

But the highlights would really be the ‘Malabar whistling thrush’ that sings heavenly in the early hours of morning and the magnificently giant Malabar pied hornbills. Just get up early while it’s dark yet and trek with us to listen or watch more of these in the valleys close by and you will be taking home an unforgettable experience, for sure.